Plumbing Maintenance in Louisville, KY

Why You Need A Plumbing Maintenance Plan

Just as your home heating and cooling system needs regular maintenance to protect its parts, so does your plumbing system. These procedures extend the life of your systems and can prevent hidden leak problems that may result in costly repairs or higher energy bills. Protect your home with an annual 10 point Plumbing Inspection.

Annual Maintenance Plans

10 Point Plan

This plan performs procedures that maintains peak performance and can extend the life of you home’s boiler, water heater, septic tank, and other plumbing functions such as drains, faucets, sinks, bathtubs, and showers.

One-Time 10 Point Inspection

Close up on a pair of hands using a wrench to tighten a fixture under a sink

  1. Water Heater Drain and Clean – remove sediment (helps improve efficiency)
  2. Inspect and set Water Heater temperature (helps protect against scalding above 120 degrees Fahrenheit)
  3. Examine Flue Gas Expulsion (protects against Carbon Monoxide)
  4. Clean Burner Box of Gas Water Heater (protects against flame outs and future ignition calls)
  5. Inspect Toilets for Leakage – flapper, fill pump
  6. Basement Sump Pump Test
  7. Check Inside Faucets for Leaking – lime build-up, aerators
  8. Outside Faucet Inspection – freeze danger, hose hook-ups
  9. Inspect Drainage System
  10. Inspect Water Filtration / Conditioner (if applicable)

10 Point Plan PLUS

All the tune up procedures listed under the 10 Point Plan – PLUS for 1 Year:

  • 15% Discount on Future Repairs
  • Move to Top of Call List for Emergency Service

Every year, Tom Sondergeld Plumbing repairs hundreds of customers plumbing systems because of maintenance neglect. These repairs range from $100 to $1500. Our maintenance plans reduce future repair costs while improving your plumbing performance and utility efficiency.